Historic Zoning Commission

Knollwood Mansion Historic H-1 Landmark: Level III


Staff Recommendation

The applicant has demonstrated with photos and drawings that the proposal for new construction meets the design guidelines adopted for the site.

Location Knoxville
150 Major Reynolds Place 37919

Thundrroad Properties, General Partnership

Applicant Request
Level III. Construction of primary building
Signs; Other: new construction
Construction of a 19-foot high, 14,625 sf. multi-bay brick retail building at the corner of Kingston Pike and Major Reynolds Place. The bays will be defined by brick pilasters and each bay will have a storefront with awning and a signband. Parking will surround the building and will be screened from view from Kingston Pike by an earthen berm and landscaping as required by the design guidelines for the property (Install trees that will reach a mature height of 30 to 40 feet planted on 40 foot centers, and be at least 8 feet high at installation. The building will have a flat membrane roof and aluminum storefront glazing. The ventilation apparatus will be screened from view from Kingston Pike by a parapet. A 14-foot high x 8 -food wide monument identification sign with brick base is approved as a Level I.

Staff Comments
Federal (c. 1851) and Neoclassical (1888)
    Knollwood is a two-story brick building topped with a hipped roof of slate shingles with some asphalt shingle patches, and an entablature at the roof line. The windows have one-over-one window sashes. Wood sills and lintels are at each of the windows; each of the lintels contains bull's-eye corner blocks. Wood shutters are found on the front elevation. The south (front) elevation of Knollwood has three bays. The projecting central bay contains the entry, with a tripartite window centered above it. A paneled half-view front entry door is flanked by paneled sidelights with half view leaded, beveled glass sidelight windows. A rectangular leaded, beveled glass transom is above the entry door; small square glass panes appear above the sidelights. Square paneled pilasters are located on either side of the front door and at corners of the front elevation. A two-story pedimented portico with round wood columns with Ionic capitals extends the full length of the front elevation and wraps around each side. The foundation of the front porch is brick; the surface is scored concrete. The central front porch has a front gabled roof with full cornice returns and dentil molding.

Maintain the appearance and materials of Knollwood , the historic house on the property:

Buildings in the commercial area to the sides of the site must be designed with articulated bays. The intent of including these articulations is to reduce the apparent size of the new construction on site.

The design of new buildings constructed on site must be sympathetic in materials and construction to Knollwood.

Parking shall be terraced behind berms and landscaping so that the appearance of the slope in front of Knollwood and leading to it from Kingston Pike is retained. The intent is to utilize the berms and landscaping to carry a ribbon of green with minimal visual interruption to the historic house.

New buildings or parking at the edges of the site must be partially screened with trees that will reach a mature height of 30 to 40 feet planted on 40 foot centers, and must be at least 8 feet high at installation. Consideration should be given to preserving existing mature trees.

The visual connection between Knollwood and Kingston Pike shall be preserved. None of the vistas formed from Knollwood to Kingston Pike can be less than 80-100 feet in width, measured at the Kingston Pike edge of the property. Some of the vistas may be used as locations for parking to serve new buildings constructed on site.

All new buildings at the front of the lot shall screen roof-mounted equipment from the view of Kingston Pike traffic by using parapets or screens.

Signs should be divided into four categories: 1) directional/identification signs appearing within the development; 2) a directory or information sign which fronts on Kingston Pike and directs users into the site; 3) Wall signs or banners on building walls; and 4) awnings or marquees that also contain signs.

Directional/identification signs within the development may be permitted within required setbacks. The directional/identification signs may be no more than 3 feet high and may contain no more than nine square feet per tenant. If, in the alternative, identification for several tenants is combined on one directional/informational sign, the sign may not exceed a maximum of fifteen square feet and be no more than three feet high.

There may be one identification or directory sign for the development, located at the entrance on Kingston Pike, which should not be more than 8 feet wide and 14 feet high.

A wall sign or banner may be allowed for each building wall or articulated wall plane that faces into the site. It may not exceed a vertical height of 5 feet or a maximum area of 40 square feet.

Awnings or marquees can also contain signs, provided the signed area falls within the 40 square foot. maximum allowed for wall signs or each building or articulated wall plane.

All signs must conform with the provisions contained in the Zoning Ordinance for Knoxville.

An attempt shall be made to preserve mature trees located on the site.

Views of new construction on Kingston Pike must be partially screened by trees and landscaping so that they do not interfere with the prominence of Knollwood.

Stefan Stefan Robichaux - D &G Acquisition, LLC D &G Acquisition, LLC

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History