Historic Zoning Commission

N/A: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVAL to enclose roof deck of east addition with fixed glass panels with the condition that aluminum posts be painted white, or that a white-painted wood trim piece be affixed to the front of each post. Replace rear door with paneled metal door.

Location Knoxville
9000 Kingston Pk 37923

Jerome Jerome Brown

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair/addition of features
Material changes (wood, brick, metal, etc.); Roofing
Fixed-glass enclosure of the second floor roof deck area on east addition. The butt-joined glass enclosure will be installed over the existing modern railing and pickets, along with slider windows installed from the top of the railing to the bottom of the roof structure. The rear unfinished metal fire escape door on the second level will be replaced with a white-paneled metal door.

Colonial Revival (modified to) (c. 1840)
    Baker-Peters-Rogers House. Two-story running bond brick with full-façade height Doric columns. Symmetrical plan with two interior end chimneys. Side-gabled roof with later one-story flat-roofed east addition. Three gabled roof dormers with Palladian-type windows and returned cornices.

Brett Brett Honeycutt - 3G Studios 3G Studios

Case History