Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 25044&G (Level II). Proposed canvas awning is in keeping with original design of storefront that has been restored as provided in Certificate No. 1101014&G.

Location Knoxville
612 Luttrell St

Also 614 Luttrell

Bob & Melynda Whetsel

Applicant Request
Awning or canopy
Add straight awnings with returns to storefront windows in commercial building.

Vernacular Commercial (c.1920)
    One story brick two bay storefront with flat roof with sawtooth brick cornice and cast concrete coping. Store windows with transoms and transom above entry doors, recently restored. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan. Inappropriate shed roof awnings removed during recent restoration. Brick quoins mark end and central pilasters separating storefronts on front façade. Corbelled brick marks signboards above storefront windows.

Bob & Melynda Whetsel

Case History