Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 2-E-25-HZ, subject to the following condition: 1) selection of a new window more compatible in size and design with the overall design of the building, to be submitted to staff for review.

Location Knoxville
1115 Gratz St. 37917

Mary Anne Hoskins

Applicant Request
Doors; Windows
Removal of the original rear (left side) entrance and screen door. Applicant states the house has settled, rendering the door inoperable. Installation of a new 12" wide by 72" long, wood, fixed window in its place. In-kind brick will be installed to enclose the remainder of the original door opening.

Staff Comments
Neotraditional, c.1935
    One-story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Telescoping front gable roof with asphalt shingles and round wood louvered attic vent in front and rear gable. Six-over-six double-hung windows. One-story one-third side porch with replacement metal railing. Recessed front entry entered through brick arch. Brick foundation. Exterior side brick chimney. Rectangular plan.

4. If replacement windows are necessary, they should be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division, and the same muntin style and exterior depth, width and profile. False muntins or grids should not be used.
5. Windows should not be replaced with fixed thermal glazing or permitted to be inoperable. In many cases fixed or inoperable glazing violates code requirements for egress.
7. It can be appropriate to design and install additional windows on the rear or another secondary elevation. The designs should be compatible with the overall design of the building.

2. It may be appropriate to design or construct a new entrance if the historic one is missing. Any restoration should be based on historical, pictorial and physical documentation and should be compatible with the historic character of the building and with adjacent buildings. It should not create a false historic appearance. Entrances should not be removed when rehabilitating a building, either in adapting to a new use or continuing a historic one.
3. Service (rear or side) entrances should not be altered to make them appear to be formal entrances by adding paneled doors, fanlights or sidelights.
4. Secondary entrances should be compatible with the originals in size, scale or materials but should not give the appearance of a primary entrance.
6. Retain, repair or replace screened doors.

5. Match new mortar with the original mortar in color, composition, profile and depth. If necessary, analyze the original mortar to determine the proportions of lime, sand and cement. Do not use a "scrub" technique to repoint. Change the width or joint only if the change will return the joint to its original appearance. Do not remove sound mortar.
6. Never repoint with mortar of high Portland cement content unless that is the content of the original mortar. Using a high percentage of Portland can create a bond that is stronger than the historic masonry material and can cause severe damage during the freeze and thaw cycle.
7. Historic masonry should not be coated with paint, stucco, vapor permeable water-repellent coatings or other non-historic coatings.

Case History