Historic Zoning Commission

Tazewell Pike NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 20508TZL. The proposed building is consistent with the recommendations in the adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
4413 Tazewell Pk

Arthur Troyer

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Construct new church behind existing house. New building to be one story stucco or brick veneer building with hipped or side gabled, asphalt shingled roof. Remove existing garage, which is not contributing to the district. NOTE: Applicant hopes to improve the house located to the front of the lot, intending to complete a one-lot subdivision and sell the existing house. Applicant understands that if improvements to the exterior of the house warrant a building permit, further consultation with the Historic Zoning Commission will be required.

Craftsman (1921)
    One and one-half story frame with wood siding. Side gable roof with gabled front dormer. Three over one double hung wood windows. One story full front porch with tapered wood posts on brick piers, buttresses at front steps. Square bay on south elevation. Exterior end brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.

    Proposed addition is located to the rear of the existing house, and is a one story brick or stucco building with a hipped roof, asphalt shingle roof covering, on concrete slab. The dimensions of the building are approximately 35 x 30. A front porch and entry with double doors will be located on the west elevation. The applicant has applied for a subdivision to separate a flag lot for the new building from the existing house. The new building will be located behind the existing house, with a drive accessing the new building and a 36 space parking lot located behind it. The new building will not be obvious from Tazewell Pike. Landscaping will be provided along the new driveway and throughout the remainder of the lot.

Arnie Holt Arnie Holt Knoxville Gospel Halls

Case History