Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 127064&G. Rear porch is not visible from Eleanor. Front porch replacement is consistent with adopted design guidelines, pg. 12, 1-3. The remainder of the items are repairs recommended for the buildings in the neighborhood.

Location Knoxville
1007 Eleanor St

Bennett & Sarah Hirschorn

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Architectural feature; Deck; Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows
Front porch: NOT approved Remove metal fire story accessing second story. Install decorative panels below side and front bay windows. Windows: Retain existing windows, repairing as necessary. Doors: Retain existing doors, installing transoms above them. Gutters: Install if desired. Masonry: Clean and/or repoint as necessary, using low Portland content mortar. Rear Addition: Replace with enclosed rear addition that covers rear elevation of house and provides enclosed space for electrical panels and other mechanical equipment, with wood siding to match siding on house and shed roof. Rear porch: Construct two story rear porch with columns and railing to match front, and stair to access second story, providing access to upper floor rear apartments.

Neoclassical (altered). (c.1910)
    Two and one half story frame with vinyl siding wall covering. Hipped roof with front gable and asphalt shingle roof covering. Enclosed rear porch. One over one double hung replacement and some original windows. One story front porch with round aluminum porch columns, Doric capitals and metal balustrade. Roof of one story porch altered to balcony with metal awning providing second story porch roof, metal rail, metal staircase on east (side) elevation. Brick exterior side chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Bay windows on front and side elevations.

Maxwell Swanson

Case History