Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines, or is located to the rear of the structure and will not be apparent from public streets..

Location Knoxville
1329 Armstrong Ave

Rachelle Jacobs & Kelvin Scott

Applicant Request
Porch elements; Roofing
Replace asphalt shingle roof; install rear dormer with gabled roof to match existing roof slope, double hung one over one wood windows, with wood weatherboard siding on exposed side and front walls, bargeboard in gable; remove metal railing on front steps and its return to existing columns, and add turned wood railing to match existing front porch railing; add corner brackets at cutaway bay

Queen Anne (1898)
    Two story frame with weatherboard covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering, fish scale and diamond pattrned wood shingles on front gable. Double hung two over one windows. Two story wrap around front and side porch with round wood columns with Ionic capitals on lower porch and turned wood columns on balcony, turned wood balustrade on both, dentils under porch eaves. Two brick chimneys, one exterior end and one interior end. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Leaded glass sidelights.

Rachelle Jacobs & Kelvin Scott

Case History