Historic Zoning Commission

Mechanicsville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1) the landing in front of the building to be treated lumber or composite boards to mimic wood; 2) the structure be shortened and/or moved to one side so that it doesn't expand across the entire width of the back yard; 3) the fence be of vertical wood boards; and 3) the fence be lowered to 42" in height where it extends toward the front wall of the house, beyond the rear plane of the house.

Location Knoxville
213 Deaderick Ave 37917

Scott Scott Sherrill

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding
Accessory structure

The proposed structure is a 525 sf accessory building. The primary structure for the building will be 2x4 wood-stud framing on at-grade concrete slab foundation. The building will be covered by a shed roof sloping at 2:12 and will be finished with asphalt roofing shingles to match the existing
residence. The roof structure will have exposed rafter tails and eave overhangs. The exterior walls are to be cladded using 4-inch fiber cement board siding. Corners, window and door openings will be trimmed using fiber cement board. All doors, door frames and window frames are to be wood construction. The doors will be built with visible cross-bracing and angle-bracing. Gutters and downspouts along the rear of the building to match that of the existing residence in color, finish and shape. A pervious gravel walkway will be installed in front of the structure. The front landing or pad underneath the overhang of the building is proposed to be either concrete or composite board material.

In addition, we propose to add an 8- foot tall fence around the back yard to include the side yard up to the front of the house, but not extend beyond the front of the house. The fence will be made of horizontal cedar planks that are between 2 and 6 inches wide. The fence will have small gaps between the horizontal planks.

Staff Comments
Queen Ann (c. 1890)
    Two-story frame with weatherboard wall-covering. Hip-roof with lower cross-gables and asphalt shingles, multi-patterned imbricated shingles and stylized keyhole window in gable end. Double-hung one-over-one windows, paired on front projection with arched wood lintels with diamond=-shaped wood trim applied in arch. One-story wrap-around front porch and round replacement columns. Interior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (contributing)

Auxiliary or outbuildings were very common in Mechanicsville, although many of them have deteriorated and
have been demolished. They served a variety of purposes, including storage, and after the first decade of the 20th
century, garages. It is acceptable to construct new outbuildings to the rear of Mechanicsville lots, but they should
be simply designed as were the originals.

1. The design of outbuildings shall acknowledge
and suggest the function of original outbuildings
that would have been located in the neighborhood.

2. The design of features like garage doors that
face the street must mimic carriage house
doors from an era consistent with the primary
building on the lot.

3. Garages and outbuildings must be located
behind the primary building at the rear of the lot.

4. Design characteristics and materials used in
constructing new outbuildings or accessory
buildings must be selected from among those on this list:

a roof pitch consistent with the primary building on the lot
overhanging eaves
exposed rafter tails
wood windows
wood lap siding with a four inch lap
board and batten
concrete siding hung to emulate four-inch lap siding or used as board in board and batten
masonry, but not exposed concrete block or split-face block

"Fences were made of wrought iron or wood with shaped pickets."

G. Rules for Fences and Walls
1. Masonry retaining walls shall be retained
and repaired or reinstalled.

2. Fences should be wood or wrought iron.

3. Fences should be no taller than 42 inches
(3.5 feet) in areas visible from the streets
of the neighborhood.

Scott Scott Sherrill

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History