Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


The City of Knoxville is proposing to replace the existing brick crosswalks on Main Street in front of the City-County Building and on Summit Hill Drive in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The proposed crosswalks will be made of dyed, stamped concrete.

Crosswalk on Main Street, connecting City County Building and Federal Courthouse, and crosswalk on Summitt Hill Drive, connecting TVA and Crown Plaza.
Applicant Request
The City of Knoxville is proposing to replace the existing brick crosswalks on Main Street in front of the City-County Building and on Summit Hill Drive in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The proposed crosswalks will be made of dyed, stamped concrete.

Staff Comments
As part of the General Principle in the Downtown Design Guidelines, the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety section say, Require sidewalks and crosswalks that are accessible to all and are aesthetically pleasing (page 5).

The proposed crosswalk design is two twelve to twenty-four inch stamped concrete brick courses separated be a smooth concrete surface ten to sixteen feet wide (see enclosed diagram). The concrete will have a dye mixed before poring. The benefit of this process is that the color is uniform through the concrete slab so if a piece is broken or chipped off the surface the color will remain the same.

Case History