Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

DENY. Vinyl windows are inconsistent with adopted Fourth & Gill Design Guidelines. (See pg. 10 for an explanation of "Windows, Historic Characteristics" and guidelines 1, 2, 4, on page 11.

Location Knoxville
723 Deery St

Phebe Armas

Applicant Request
Level II. Standard repair
window replacement with vinyl replacement one over one double hung windows

Queen Anne (c.1900)
    One and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering on first floor and wood shingles on second floor. Bellcast hip roof with bellcast roof dormer, side gable dormers, shed roof on rear and turret, with simple sawn brackets and asphalt hsingl roof covering. One over one double hung wood windows replaced with vinyl windows (Previous application #919024&G) without receiving Certificate of Appropriateness. One story two-thirds front porch with front gable roof with elliptical window, chamfered wood columsn with simple capitals and scroll brackets, turned spindle balustrade and bead board ceiling. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Sidelights and transoms with lead caming featuring diamond pattern. Possible George F. Barber design, now altered.

Phebe Armas - (By R. Deno Cole, Attorney) (By R. Deno Cole, Attorney)

Case History