Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of 2-C-25-HZ as submitted.

Location Knoxville
827 Morgan St. 37917

Bess Connally

Applicant Request
Doors; Porch; Siding; Windows
Exterior rehabilitation of existing rear addition.

Removal of the wall enclosing the back porch, including the existing window and door. The roofline, roof brackets, and floor structure will remain. A 3' tall knee wall clad in bead board siding with a PVC wall cap will be installed on the back porch, if an original knee wall is not revealed with the removal of the existing wall. New 4x4 columns made from pressure-treated wood from the knee wall to the roof, with new aluminum tracks and screens to enclose the porch and a new wood screen door. New pressure-treated wood stairs and railing, to feature square balusters with chamfered corners. Existing brick piers will be enclosed with pressure-treated wood skirt boards.

Staff Comments
Craftsman, c.1930
    One story double gabled asphalt shingle roof frame house with overhanging eaves, a projecting side gable roof, a rear enclosed porch with a flat roof, and painted horizontal wood siding with wooden shingles on the projecting gable field. The house rests on a brick foundation and features a front porch with two tapered wooden columns supported by brick bases.

1. Repair porches on historic houses using wood floors, balustrades, posts and columns, or replace duplicating the original size and design. Reconstruction of the documented original porch is also appropriate.
2. Porches visible from a street may not be completely enclosed.
6. Screening porches may be acceptable if screening is translucent and the open appearance of the porch is maintained.

4. Secondary entrances should be compatible with the originals in size, scale or materials but should not give the appearance of a primary entrance.
6. Retain, repair or replace screened doors.

3. New construction should use wood materials rather that aluminum or vinyl siding. New buildings should also use corner and trim boards and appropriate door and window trim. Concrete composition planks may be appropriate for new construction.
4. Repair wooden features by patching, piecing-in, or otherwise reinforcing the wood. Repair may also include limited replacement with matching or with other compatible substitute materials, when elements remain and can be copied.

Sean Martin, Open Door Architecture

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History