Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This is a revision to Certificate 9-B-09-DT for the façade renovation at 415 S Gay Street. This request is to modify the second floor window openings because the floor height is above the bottom of the existing window opening. The approved second floor windows require that the existing window openings remain without infilling any portion of the window opening. This requirement is not practical with building code requirements. The applicant is proposing to infill 1 foot 6 inches of the bottom of the window opening with a wood panel, as shown in the attached drawing. The panel will be constructed out of plywood with the trim made out of 1x4 to create the panel look. This will bring the bottom of the window opening even with the existing second story floor level.

415 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This is a revision to Certificate 9-B-09-DT for the façade renovation at 415 S Gay Street. This request is to modify the second floor window openings because the floor height is above the bottom of the existing window opening. The approved second floor windows require that the existing window openings remain without infilling any portion of the window opening. This requirement is not practical with building code requirements. The applicant is proposing to infill 1 foot 6 inches of the bottom of the window opening with a wood panel, as shown in the attached drawing. The panel will be constructed out of plywood with the trim made out of 1x4 to create the panel look. This will bring the bottom of the window opening even with the existing second story floor level.

Staff Comments
Staff finds that the proposal meets the intent of the guidelines and the direction from the board.

Case History