Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 205094&G. Proposed work is consistent with adopted reccomendations, New Additions, pg. 18, #1.

Location Knoxville
725 Deery St

Roy Payne

Applicant Request
Level II. Major Structural repair and replacement
Other: Construct rear two story addition
Construct a small building addition to rear, side of house. Materials will include reuse of existing wood siding and trim.The addition will extens a second story rear cross gable roof, filling in a recessed portion of the rear elevation; submitted elevations do now show window or door openings.

At 2/19/09 meeting, HZC added permission to install two rear windows and door on addition, and directed staff to examine solar panel and skylight installation and approve if they are not visible from Deery.

East Tennessee Vernacular with Craftsman influence (c.1890)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering and wide soffit board. One over one double hung replacement windows. One story full front porch with hipped roof, weatherboard columns and pilaste4rs and balustrade, Art Deco brackets as part of column capitals. One interior end brick chimney and one stuccoed interior offset chimney. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan. Multi-light sidelights and transom at front entry, with Craftsman front door and Art Deco and Craftsman ornamentation on entry door frame.

Case History