Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Submitted details of proposed entry and wall resurfacing meet design guidelines adopted for Market Square, and are not invasive to the open space between 8 and 12 Market Square.

Location Knoxville
8 Market Square

Northeast side of Market Square, northwest of Union Avenue

AEB Properties, LLC

Applicant Request
Install new entry door, recessed, with transom and side light, on north elevation approximately 2/3 of the depth of the building from Market Square, with full view door; stucco exposed common wall that was part of former building. (Window installation on north elevation previously approved. Entry will be recessed, with brick walk that curves behind existing birch tree that is part of landscaping; smaller landsaping elements to be moved and replanted to accommodate doorway.)

Vernacular Commercial (c.1925)
    Vogue Building. Three story, two bay brick with simple terra cotta detailing, c. 1960 storefront. Metal casement windows. Inset terra cotta on pilasters dividing bays on second and third stories. Original pressed metal cornice with large brackets now missing from front façade.

David David Hutchins

Case History