Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted Market Square Design Guidelines and with previous approval granted by Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission at their October 17, 2002 meeting.

Location Knoxville
18 Market Square

Scott & Bernadette West

Applicant Request
Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Windows
Install paired one over one windows with transoms on second story; install new storefront on first floor with full view glass doors; repair and point brick as necessary; install cornices above second story windows and above storefront.

Neoclassical Commercial (c.1895)
    Biddle & Moulden Building. Two story brick with engaged Tuscan pilasters forming four bay son second floor. Second story windows are fixed panes with transoms and corbelled brick topping windows. Storefront altered.

Buzz Goss/Goss Pearcy Goss

Case History