Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1202 Luttrell St

C. Allen. and Sandra K. Osborne

Applicant Request
Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Siding; Storm windows or doors; Windows
Level II Certificate: Demolish existing (not original) rear porch and construct 16x24 deck at 8"3" to match existing floor level. Railing to match railing on front porch. NOTE: Approved at HZC meeting of 5/20/2004 - DEMOLISH REAR DECK ONLY. ADDITIONAL NOTE: APPROVED AT 6/17/2004 HZC MEETING: 16x24 deck to be supported on 6" posts that are boxed to create larger appearing columns with applied trim.

Craftsman/Bungalow (c.1910)
    One and one-half story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Side gable roof wwith bellcast hip roof dormer, asphalt shingle roof covering and inset centered second story balcony. Six over one double hung windows with eight light casement windows on balcony. One story full front porch with brick columns with triangular oversize wood brackets, sawn wood balustrade, leaded Prairie style sidelights and transom and bead board ceiling. Two brick chimneys, one exterior side and one interior offset. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Original full view glass front entry door. Projecting one story bay on north elevation. Artificial siding added at rear. Two story rear porch not original.

    (c.1910) One story frame with brick veneer garage with asphalt shingle covered hipped roof.

C. Allen. and Sandra K. Osborne

Case History