Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Proposed replacement of windows on floors 2, 4, and 5 of the Southeastern Glass Building. The existing windows are the original multilight steel windows with operable 4 or 6-light awning windows. All exterior trim and sills will be retained. The proposed replacement windows are single-light aluminum storefront windows with surface-applied muntins and rails, to be applied on the interior and exterior. 28 windows will feature fixed windows with 22" tall operable transoms below. 6 windows will be 42" wide by 22" tall operable transoms.

Project includes the installation of new metal lintels above the windows, along with repointing of exterior brick.

555 W. Jackson Ave.

Southeastern Glass Building LLC

Applicant Request
Proposed replacement of windows on floors 2, 4, and 5 of the Southeastern Glass Building. The existing windows are the original multilight steel windows with operable 4 or 6-light awning windows. All exterior trim and sills will be retained. The proposed replacement windows are single-light aluminum storefront windows with surface-applied muntins and rails, to be applied on the interior and exterior. 28 windows will feature fixed windows with 22" tall operable transoms below. 6 windows will be 42" wide by 22" tall operable transoms.

Project includes the installation of new metal lintels above the windows, along with repointing of exterior brick.

Staff Comments
This application was postponed at the February 2024 meeting. The Southeastern Glass Building is a contributing resource to the Southern Terminal and Warehouse Historic District, so the historic resources section of the design guidelines applies.

The applicant has noted the intent is to replace all the windows at the same time; however, the windows belong to each unit owner within the HOA and individual owners may not replace all of the windows simultaneously. The application requests approval for the windows to be replaced on an as-needed basis. At the February meeting, the Board extensively discussed piecemeal replacement of the original windows. Requiring all individual property owners to replace the windows at the same time is not in the Board's purview. The staff recommendation is to issue a blanket approval of one specific type of window, approving a specification which all replaced windows shall be match moving forward.

The building was constructed in the 1920s; the steel windows are original to the structure. The application notes the existing windows' deterioration and the concern that the installation of new metal lintels will cause the window frames and panes to break. Guidelines recommend that if repairs are not possible, replace with matching windows, including duplicating design, operation, material, glass size, muntin arrangements, profiles, and trim. The proposed replacement windows will vary in design; material (using a surface-applied grid, of aluminum instead of the original steel); and profiles (surface-applied exterior muntins are typically more thin than steel muntins).

The contractor has submitted a detail of the existing steel muntins, which are flat and measure approximately .75-inch, and a profile of the proposed, which are flat and measure .75-inch. In the opinion of staff, the proposed muntin profiles do replicate the existing in thickness. The framing should reflect the existing in width if at all possible. All exterior trim and sills should be repaired and retained, or replaced in-kind.

The revised application also includes a rendering of a window, which does not have the same number of lights as the existing windows. The "panes" delineated by the surface-applied muntins should replicate the number of panes on the existing windows.

Case History