Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approve new porch balustrade on condition that a design drawing be submitted.
Approve porch columns on condition that design be submitted for capitals.
Approve new siding based on the original having already been replaced, and the new siding matching the existing siding to be retained on the north side.
Approve rear deck with condition that the floor accomodates egress from the main-level door.
Approve replacement wood half-light rear door as existing door is not original and not appropriate.

Approve window replacements with conditions (FROM 2/15/2018 HZC MEETING):
1) Re-construct the two windows on the south side that were blocked in, based on earlier Google earth photo.
2) Re-construct the south side upper-level window closest to front of house (westernmost) to be the same size as, and align with, the window to the east.
3) Install 1/1 wood windows to fit the original openings as indicated by the existing framing on all of the north side street-level windows.
4) Replace the small square double-hung window on the rear of the house toward the north side with square wood casement or stationary window. Consider aligning it with the window above.
5) Deny installation of 1/1 egress window in attic gable on north side.

Location Knoxville
412 E Scott Ave 37917

John John Holmes

Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements (WINDOW INSTALLATION POSTPONED FROM 2/15/2018 HZC MEETING.)
Deck; Guttering; Porch elements; Siding; Windows

1.) UPDATED FOR 3/15/2018 MEETING: Install egress window: APPROVED
Upstairs bedroom requires window for egress per code. Request to relocate the diamond-shaped gable vent in north wall upward by 18 inches rather than remove it to accommodate the installation of a 34"x34" square casement window with 4"- trim/casing and special hinge to meet egress requirement for finished attic space.

2.) Window replacement: APPROVED
Replace non-original 1/1 windows on the north side with wooden 1/1 windows of the same size.

Approve window replacements with conditions (FROM 2/15/2018 HZC MEETING) (UPDATED ON APRIL 13, 2018):
1) Re-construct two windows on the south side of main in level (horizontal one at front and double-hung next to interior stairs) that were sided over, based on earlier Google earth photo. Double-hung window to match size of windows to adjacent east.
2) Replace the main-level window which is the westernmost in the grouping of 4 [toward the rear (east) of the south side] to be the same size as, and align with, the easternmost window.
3) Install 1/1 wood windows to fit the original openings as indicated by the existing framing on all of the north side main-level windows.
4) Replace the small square double-hung window on the rear of the house toward the north side with square wood casement or stationary window. Consider aligning it with the window above.

3.) Siding: APPROVED
Replace non-original 6 -inch wood siding on south side and back of house to match existing. Originally approved to replace only rotted pieces; however, most of the siding and underlying sheathing was found to be too deteriorated to repair.

4.) Deck: APPROVED
Request to build wood deck along the back of the house as shown in submitted drawing, and remove the cinder block stairway which is not original.

5.) Front Porch: APPROVED
Revised 4/23/18: Reconstruct floor structure on front porch and replace wooden tongue-and-groove porch flooring. Remove the metal railings and install wood balustrade and round columns to restore to early 1900s appearance. Columns to match engaged round wood pilasters existing on porch with column capitals approved by staff. Porch ceiling to be wood beadboard.

6.) Back Door: APPROVED
Request to replace the metal back door with salvaged wood paneled door with half-lite glass.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne (1907)
    Front gabled one-story frame, Hipped roof with lower cross gables on front and north side. 1/1 windows. Replacement metal porch supports. Altered siding and replacement window. Late hipped frame addition on rear.

2) If replacement windows are necessary, they shall be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division and the same muntin depth, width and profile. They shall be the same materials as the original windows, which were generally wood.

5) It can be appropriate to design and install additional windows on the rear or another secondary elevation. The design must be compatible with the overall design of the building.

6) Windows may not be blocked in. They must retain the full height and width of the original opening.

2) Historic porches on houses in Old North Knoxville should be repaired, or may replicate the original porch if documentation of its size and design can be discovered.

3) Design elements to be incorporated in any new porch design must include tongue and groove wood floors, beadboard ceilings, wood posts and/or columns and sawn and turned wood trim when appropriate. If balustrades are required, they must be designed with spindles set into the top and bottom rails.

3. Replacement siding must duplicate the original. Trim and patterned shingles that must be replaced must also duplicate the original material.
4. New construction must incorporate corner and trim boards and appropriate door and window trim to be compatible with adjacent historic buildings.
5. Wooden features shall be repaired by patching, piecing-in, or otherwise reinforcing
the wood. Repair may also include limited replacement with matching or compatible substitute materials, when elements remain and can be copied.
6. Wood features that are important in defining the overall historic character of the building shall not be removed.
7. Replace only deteriorated wood.
Reconstructing in order to achieve a uniform or improved, new appearance is inappropriate because of the loss of good historic materials.

John John Holmes

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History