Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Location Knoxville
134 Leonard Pl 37917

John John Underwood - Castles of Choice Castles of Choice

Applicant Request
Level II
Other: Rear Addition
Reconstruct frame shed-roofed rear addition. Siding to be horizontal clapboard and roofed with asphalt shingles to match existing. Height and footprint to match that previously existing. Repair wooden door existing at rear of house and reinstall at rear-facing exterior of addition. Install wood double-hung
2'-6"x3'-0" window with either 1/1 or 2/2 pane divisions on rear-facing side of addition next to door.


Kevin Kevin Griph - Jeff Roland and Son Jeff Roland and Son

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History