Historic Zoning Commission

Mechanicsville H-1: Level III


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 11811MEC. Proposed residence meets the provisions of the Mechanicsville Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1012 Oak Ave

Knoxville's Community Development corporation

Applicant Request
Level III. New construction of primary building(s) or deviation from guidelines
Construct new 1-1/2 story Craftsman-derived cottage with one over one windows, Craftsman styled front door, full front porch 8 feet deep with sawn wood railing and columns, brick pier with inset lattice panels and central wood stair with riser panels, masonry foundation with parge coat, 12/12 pitch roof with dimensional shingle roof covering and front facing dormer with single window surrounded by imbricated shingles of Hardi-board, paired second story windows on side elevations, shed roof at rear with one-half rear porch. Railing on front and back porches to be sawn wood, set into top and bottom rail, with 2" spindles on 3-4" centers. Sited with 25' setback and combined side yard setbacks of 17', 6' on east and 11' on west, in accordance with design guideline requirement that front and side setbacks match other properties on the block.

Modification: Due to city setback requirements, the total sideyard setbacks 14', 5' on east sand 9' on west. Parking to be at rear of structure, with access through alley.

Vacant Lot
    (See Description of Work.)

Rick Joiner

Case History