Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level IV


Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower front gables, gabled side dormers, asphalt shingle and aluminum siding wall covering (sides and rear) and applied sunburst on side gables, sawn wood brackets. One over one double hung windows with calmes on first floor transom and sidelights and second story façade windows. One story front and sides u-shaped wrap around porch with centered balcony on second story, round wood columns with Doric capitals, applied bead board panels between brick piers, concrete straight buttresses at front steps, turned spindled balustrade on first story and shingled balustrade on balcony, some remaining Scamozzi capitals on columns. Two interior offset side brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting one story bay on front elevation. Modified porte cochere at north elevation with brick piers, shed roof and square columns. Enclosed rear porches.

930 Luttrell has been modified several times over the course of its history, with the first modification probably occurring c. 1930, when the rear building was built. Changes to the primary structure included enclosure of the rear porches, may have been the time of construction of the porte cochere, and also included enclosure of the front balcony. The property suffered fire damage c. 1960, at which time the balcony enclosure was removed and the balcony and front gable were rebuilt. A more recent change in ownership resulted in some interior changes, installation of a new porch floor, removal of artificial siding on the front elevation, installation of beadboard panels between the front porch piers, and installation of a satellite dish on the front elevation, inconsistent with adopted design guidelines.

One story frame two unit apartment building in rear lot with wood siding, hipped roof with asphalt shingle roof covering. Building extremely deteriorated. (c.1930).

Location Knoxville
930 Luttrell St 37917

John Conley

Applicant Request
Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure
Architectural feature; Deck; Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Material changes (wood, brick, metal, etc.); Porch elements; Satellite dish; Siding; Skylights or solar collectors; Storm windows or doors; Windows; Other: Demolish rear free-standing structure.
Level I: Remove existing satellite dish; remove aluminum siding on sides and rear elevation, repair weatherboard, soffit and eaves as necessary. Repair windows as necessary. Repair beadboard ceilings on first and second front and rear porches. Repair porch floors in kind as necessary. Remove unoriginal plywood enclosure from porte cochere. Repoint and clean masonry as necessary, using Preservation Brief No. 2. Jack up sinking porch columns. Repair or replace Scamozzi capitals on front porch (first and second stories) and porte cochere, in kind, as necessary. Remove fire escape and its concrete base from rear elevation. Repair storm windows as necessary, with eventual replacement with wood storm windows.

Level II: Add missing calmes to front elevation windows. Redo front porch steps, installing brick steps (possibly with concrete treads) with splayed brick buttresses (marble slab or concrete caps) to mimic shape of sidewalk apron. Rebuild tops of chimneys with corbelling. Replace shingled balustrade (installed in mid 1990s) with spindles to mimic design and scale of first floor porch spindles with 36" height from recessed porch floor. Reconfigure porte cochere roof to be an extension of front porch roofline. Install columns that duplicate front porch columns on existing brick piers of porte cochere. In front gable, remove current (relatively new) single fixed pane rectangular window and replace with fanlight with tracery; Add square patterned imbricated shingles on front facing gable. Remove weatherboarded enclosures on first and second story rear porches on southeast side, extending first floor porch to rear by ten feet with portion to be under roof and screened in and second story porch to be screened in. Install open deck across remainder of rear elevation. (NOTE: None of the work on the rear porches, or the rear deck addition, will be visible from Luttrell.) Replace existing unoriginal windows on rear and side elevations (some storm windows without windows, some sliding windows) with wood one over one double hung windows. Add wood one over one double hung windows on rear elevation in kitchen (east side, rear, not visible from Luttrell). (NOTE: Any replacement windows will be more vertical than horizontal and will be appropriately sized.) Install sconces to either side of front entry door. Install porch ceiling lights and ceiling fans on front porch and balcony and on rear, screened porches. Install solar shingles on roof on rear elevation (not visible from Luttrell). Relocate gas meters from front elevation. Install antique quarter-sawn oak front first story entry door with full or half-view beveled glass. Reroof building, using concrete roofing tiles or patterned metal shingles. Remove existing porch foundation coverings on front porch and replace with patterned brick lattice-like panels. Install wrought iron fence at front sidewalk, no taller than 36", and install privacy fence in back yard.

Level IV: Demolish rear deteriorated secondary residential building, in poor condition (possibly c. 1930s).

NOTE: Applicant intends to construct a garage at the rear of the lot, and will submit design in future.

Neoclassical with Queen Anne influence. (c.1900)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower front gables, gabled side dormers, asphalt shingle and aluminum siding wall covering (sides and rear) and applied sunburst on side gables, sawn wood brackets. One over one double hung windows with calmes on first floor transom and sidelights and second story façade windows. One story front and sides u-shaped wrap around porch with centered balcony on second story, round wood columns with Doric capitals, applied bead board panels between brick piers, concrete straight buttresses at front steps, turned spindled balustrade on first story and shingled balustrade on balcony, some remaining Scamozzi capitals on columns. Two interior offset side brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting one story bay on front elevation. Modified porte cochere at north elevation with brick piers, shed roof and square columns. Enclosed rear porches.

    930 Luttrell has been modified several times over the course of its history, with the first modification probably occurring c. 1930, when the rear building was built. Changes to the primary structure included enclosure of the rear porches, may have been the time of construction of the porte cochere, and also included enclosure of the front balcony. The property suffered fire damage c. 1960, at which time the balcony enclosure was removed and the balcony and front gable were rebuilt. A more recent change in ownership resulted in some interior changes, installation of a new porch floor, removal of artificial siding on the front elevation, installation of beadboard panels between the front porch piers, and installation of a satellite dish on the front elevation, inconsistent with adopted design guidelines.

    One story frame two unit apartment building in rear lot with wood siding, hipped roof with asphalt shingle roof covering. Building extremely deteriorated. (c.1930).

John Conley

Case History