Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 2-A-22-IH as submitted.

1008 Katherine Ave. 37921

Monkee Properties LLC

The proposed subdivision plat is intended to address conflicts between the City Ward Map (lot of record) and the tax parcel. The proposed new subdivision plat will not create any new lots or relate to additional infill construction. The 44' wide lot is compatible with existing historic lots along Katherine Avenue, recognizes the historical development pattern of the block, and is consistent with the lot design and house placement on historic aerial photography. The subdivision is consistent with the design guidelines.

Staff Comments
New subdivision plat. New plat intended to address conflicts between the City Ward Map and the tax parcel. The property extends approximately 43.89' wide along Katherine Avenue (northwest edge of property), approximately 122.88' on left (northeast) side property line, approximately 44' on rear property line fronting the alley, and 120.62' long on the right (southwest) side property line.

Corbin Corbin Stewart CRS Land Surveying LLC CRS Land Surveyin

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History