Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


Sign package for Marriott Hotel and Makers Market.

Four signs demonstrate the Marriott logo in illuminated channel letters. The south elevation, fronting Clinch Avenue, features two signs. Lower-level sign is located on a new plinth, featuring illuminated channel letters with the Marriott logo and measuring approximately 10'-9" wide and 6'-4" tall. A second sign is located on the primary massing of the building, between the 7th and 8th story of the hotel, attached to the wall. Illuminated channel letters measure 21'-6" wide and 12'-9" tall.

On the north elevation, a matching 10'-9" wide by 6'-4" tall illuminated channel letter sign is located on the opposite side of the new plinth. A second 21'-6" wide by 12'-9" tall illuminated channel letter sign is attached to the building around the 11th story of the hotel.

This application also includes signage for the Makers Market on the Worlds Fair Exhibition Hall section (west elevation). This includes an 8' tall, 10' wide logo sign adjacent to an approximately 33' long by 3' wide illuminated channel letter sign reading "Makers Market." Two 18'-8.5" wide, flat-roof awnings will be centered on the two storefront entries, with approximately 11' wide by 1' tall non-illuminated awning signs (letters spelling Makers Market) above (one on each awning).

525 Henley St.

Applicant Request
Sign package for Marriott Hotel and Makers Market.

Four signs demonstrate the Marriott logo in illuminated channel letters. The south elevation, fronting Clinch Avenue, features two signs. Lower-level sign is located on a new plinth, featuring illuminated channel letters with the Marriott logo and measuring approximately 10'-9" wide and 6'-4" tall. A second sign is located on the primary massing of the building, between the 7th and 8th story of the hotel, attached to the wall. Illuminated channel letters measure 21'-6" wide and 12'-9" tall.

On the north elevation, a matching 10'-9" wide by 6'-4" tall illuminated channel letter sign is located on the opposite side of the new plinth. A second 21'-6" wide by 12'-9" tall illuminated channel letter sign is attached to the building around the 11th story of the hotel.

This application also includes signage for the Makers Market on the Worlds Fair Exhibition Hall section (west elevation). This includes an 8' tall, 10' wide logo sign adjacent to an approximately 33' long by 3' wide illuminated channel letter sign reading "Makers Market." Two 18'-8.5" wide, flat-roof awnings will be centered on the two storefront entries, with approximately 11' wide by 1' tall non-illuminated awning signs (letters spelling Makers Market) above (one on each awning).

Staff Comments
Overall, the proposed sign package meets the design guidelines. The proposed signs include attached wall signs, mounted flush to the building's exterior elevations, and an attached sign on the plinth (which was previously reviewed and approved by the Board in March and September 2020 to serve as part of the porte-cochere entry). The signs are large but appropriately sized for the building's height and massing, and their placement will aid in visibility from the various elevations of Henley Street and Clinch Avenue.

The Makers Market signs on the Worlds Fair Exhibition Hall are appropriately sized for the building and their design will be sufficiently differentiated from the Marriott Hotel.

Per 13.9.F.1.b of the City Zoning Ordinance, the total signage area cannot exceed 10% of the wall area of the primary building elevation (the frontage along Henley Street). Applicant should confirm that all signage (including both Marriott and Makers Market signs) in total sign area does not exceed 10% of the wall area of the Henley Street elevation.

Case History