Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 11309EDG. Proposed changes are consistent with adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1600 Jefferson Ave

Dennis Ward

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
1) Construct 8' x 10' rear addition with 3/12 pitch center gable, poplar siding, and French doors, using continuation of existing concrete block foundation, removing existing door adjacent to addition and replacing with two over two wood window to match remainder of windows on house, and installing shingles on existing shed roof to one side of addition. 2) Construct 8'x10' shed to rear of primary building with 3/12 pitch shingled gabled roof roof, poplar siding. 3) Construct 8'x10' rear deck, unroofed, at rear of requested addition. 4) Move recessed front door forward, creating a shallower recess at the front entry.

Queen Anne cottage with Bungalow influence (c.1910)
    One story frame with asbestos shingle wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering, boxed cornice and circular attic vent. One story full front porch altered with partial enclosure that creates deep recessed entry, splayed wood posts on brick piers, sawn wood balustrade. Double hung one over one windows. Two interior offset brick stuccoed chimneys. Brick foundation, concrete block foundation at rear addition. Irregular plan with rear enclosure.

Dennis Ward

Case History