Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE awning, wood paneled transom w/conditions: 1) that the awning be sloped, covered in canvas & further differentiated between the two storefronts indicating 2 separate ones, and 2) submission of size on awning tiebacks. DENYside door & steps.

Location Knoxville
12 Market Square 37917

includes 12 and 14 Market Square on east side

Mahasti Mahasti Vafaie - and Scott Partin and Scott Partin

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Architectural feature; Awning or canopy; Doors; Signs; Windows
Re-paint brick on the lower façade of 14 Market Square to match existing brick. Paint lower level window and door trim of both buildings to match each other.Remove lighting and signage from Marble Slab Creamery façade.

Install new flat metal awning (matte finish) with tie rods spanning width of 12 and 14 Market Square. Awning to have dropped recess between storefronts to help it read as two separate awnings. Lower the existing awning attachments to reveal the original transom area, which is to be covered in new trimmed wood panels (replacing existing plywood panels). The area of the panels is 18'-6" wide by 4'-6" tall trimmed out with flat 1x and 2x trim pieces. Mount awning above display windows but below transom area. See submitted drawings.

Install a side exit door with concrete steps, metal railing and a full-light glass door and transom for fire egress to exit out onto the existing path in the adjacent pocket park. The side door will be stained wood with full glass and wood trim around the glass. The actual door frame will be metal and painted to match the existing window frames on that side elevation, which are a dark, bluish-gray. Original brick will need to be removed to accommodate the new exit opening.

The existing entry doors, upper facades, and lighting will remain as is.

Add black metal fence enclosure at outdoor café for 14 Market Square to match existing at 12 Market Square.

Vernacular Commercial and Italianate Commercial (c.1880)
    12 Market Square. (c.1880). Vernacular Commercial. Two story four bay brick with corbelled cornice, rowlock
    arched windows with corbelled surrounds on second story with six light metal casement windows and arched
    casement. Altered c. 1970 storefront. Windows added on south facade in 2000. (Occupancy has included a
    variety of uses including a grocery, bakers, and by 1905 a first floor dry goods store and a second story boarding
    house. By 1920, the building was listed only as a clothing shop, and remained in that use until 1965. (Contriibuting)

    14 Market Square. G. W. Albers Drug Store. (c.1880). Italianate Commercial. Two story brick, elaborate
    pressed metal cornice with brackets and modillions and raised central arch, rowlock arched second story
    windows, storefront altered. Albers Drug store first occupied the building, which then housed a succession
    of drug stores until it became a part of Watson's in 1935. (Contributing)

Elizabeth Elizabeth Eason, AIA - Elizabeth Eason Architecture Elizabeth Eason Architecture

Case History