Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC-1: Level IV


Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, with front gable having top triangular portion projecting to form pediment with applied lattice work and brackets, imbricated shingles below projection with paired one over one attic vent windows, slate roof covering. One story one-half front porch with second story balcony, chamfered porch posts with metal railing on first floor, spandrels and metal railing on second floor, shed roof on porch with gable with applied lattice at entry. Projecting one story bay window with fluted pilasters with Ionic capitals flanking window. Paired two over two double hung windows at second story. Sill treatment at second story and spandrel over entry to front porch are inverted arched broken pediment. Roof cresting at top of hip. Interior offset side brick chimney with double stacks. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Fire damage includes missing roof and windows, which have collapsed into interior. Second an first story of main portion of house are destroyed. Non-contributing rear addition is still intact.

Location Knoxville
1201 Clinch Ave

Lendall L. Roberts

Applicant Request
Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure
Demolish fire damaged structure.

Extremely fire damaged Queen Anne (1898)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, with front gable having top triangular portion projecting to form pediment with applied lattice work and brackets, imbricated shingles below projection with paired one over one attic vent windows, slate roof covering. One story one-half front porch with second story balcony, chamfered porch posts with metal railing on first floor, spandrels and metal railing on second floor, shed roof on porch with gable with applied lattice at entry. Projecting one story bay window with fluted pilasters with Ionic capitals flanking window. Paired two over two double hung windows at second story. Sill treatment at second story and spandrel over entry to front porch are inverted arched broken pediment. Roof cresting at top of hip. Interior offset side brick chimney with double stacks. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Fire damage includes missing roof and windows, which have collapsed into interior. Second an first story of main portion of house are destroyed. Non-contributing rear addition is still intact.

Lendall L. Roberts

Case History