Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-H-23-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) site plan should be revised to locate parking in the rear, accessed from the alley; 2) trees at the front of the property should be noted on final site plan and retained; 3) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards.

1134 Rider Ave. 37917

Monty Monty Fairchild

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be set 29' from the front property line, with the front porch at 20' from the front property line. The average of the blockface is 25.6', with the adjacent houses set 25' and 32' from the front property line. The house's placement will be compatible with the blockface. The final site plan should feature a walkway to the street.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by Queen Anne cottages, Minimal Traditionals, and some infill construction. The proposed one-story, three-bay house is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the context of the block. The side yard setbacks are consistent with the broader neighborhood.

3. The Infill Housing code states that when an operable alley is present, parking must be accessed from the alley. The parking should be revised to be accessed from the alley and located to the rear of the house. Moving the parking to the rear would also allow for the preservation of two large cedar trees in the front yard. Final site plan revisions may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

4. The one-story, three-bay façade is similar to the neighborhood context. The foundation height should be confirmed to be compatible with historic houses on the block.

5. The house features an 8' deep front porch which projects outward from the house. The porch is compatible with the design of the house and the surrounding block.

6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar, with similar proportions and ratio of solid to void to, to historic houses on the block. The façade, side, and rear elevations have sufficient windows. Infill Housing reviews typically discourage non-operable shutters that are not sized to fit the windows.

7. The proposed roof pitch, 6/12, is the minimum typically approved in the Infill Housing overlay and meets the design guidelines.

8. While vinyl siding meets the Infill Housing guidelines, the final siding material should feature an overlap instead of flush panel or Dutch lap vinyl siding.

9. Guidelines state that "healthy trees that are outside the building footprint should be preserved." The two older-growth cedar trees on the front elevation should be retained.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Rider Avenue. One-story residence features a front-gable roof (6/12 pitch), an exterior of vinyl siding, and foundation clad in "cement wash stucco." The house (26' wide by 44' deep) will be set 29' from the front property line. The parking is proposed for the front yard, featuring a 16' wide concrete pad.

The façade (north elevation) features a partial-width, front-gable roof porch supported by square 6 by 6 wood posts. The three-bay façade features a centrally-located front door flanked by paired one-over-one windows. The left elevation features one one-over-one window, and the right elevation features two smaller fixed windows. A secondary access is located on the right side elevation.

Case History