Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with the condition that the windows are to be true-divided or simulated-divided-light with a shadow bar in between the glass panels, and to be of wood material as specified by the Old North Knox design guidelines.

Additional conditions as of 3/17/2016:
1) The design and specifications for the front and side garage doors is to be approved by staff and the ONK Neighborhood representative.

2) The front of the garage is to be of the same wood siding proposed for the other walls of the garage rather than brick sheathing.

3) The concrete patio is to be tinted a neutral color so as to not be a bright white.

4) The set of french doors opening out onto the patio may have frames of wood or paintable fiberglass material, but not metal.

5) The garage footprint should be reduced by at least 5% in order to be a more appropriate size for the house.

Location Knoxville
517 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

Nick Nick Shaffer

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of accessory structure and rear addition
Accessory structure; Additions
Construction of a two-story rear addition as per updated drawings submitted 12/22/2015 with the conditions that: the roof and /or gutter of the addition may not extend out farther than the eave of the existing house on the northeast side; either wood weatherboard or stucco siding are utilized as sheathing on the exterior; the window size is compatible with the half the size of the existing double-hung windows-- approximately 38" x 28"; and that the material of the new window frames is wood or wood composite.

Construction of two-story frame 15'x30' x 20' high front -gabled garage with brick veneer on the front elevation and wood siding on the remaing elevations. The proposed location is to rear south of house on the site of former accessory structure at head of driveway. The 6/6 windows simulated divided light windows (to match those of the house) and doors are proposed to be metal-framed and will be headed by a brick soldier course. Four-inch-horizontal lap smooth fiber cement board is proposed for only the sides of the shed-roof dormer on each side. The main roof pitch is proposed to be 8/12. The roof is to be sheathed in 5-V-grooved metal. Wooden stairs with a 2x2 square balustrade will be added to the rear of the structure. A 28'x7' concrete patio will be poured to the adjacent north of the structure toward the inside of the back yard. The concrete patio will be covered by a 5-V metal sheathed shed roof supported by five 7x7 wood columns.

Staff Comments
Colonial Revival (1923)
    Frank Clark, Jr. House. Two-story frame with brick veneer. Side-gable roof with concrete French tile covering. Double-hung 6/6 windows. One-story one-bay central front porch with metal balustrade. Fluted engaged one-bay central front porch with Doric columns and entablature with dentil molding at front entry. Two exterior end brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan. (Contributing)

Typical outbuildings would have included carriage houses, barns, outhouses or servants'quarters, often more than one-story tall and built with steeply pitched gable roofs or combined gable and shed roofs, with weatherboard or board and batten wall covering.

1. The design of outbuildings such as garages shall acknowledge and suggest the function of original outbuildings that would have been located in the neighborhood.

2. The design of features like garage doors that face the street shall mimic carriage house doors from an era consistent with the primary building on the lot.

3. Garages shall be located to the rear of the primary building on the lot.

4. Materials used in constructing outbuildings or accessory buildings may only use materials and design characteristics selected from the following list: wood lap siding with a four-inch lap or board and batten; a steep roof pitch; overhanging eaves; exposed rafter tails; wood windows; masonry but not exposed concrete block or split-face block; garage doors appearing to be carriage doors or plank doors with reinforcing trim.

Nick Nick Shaffer

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History