Staff Recommendation
Approval with the condition that the windows are to be true-divided or simulated-divided-light with a shadow bar in between the glass panels, and to be of wood material as specified by the Old North Knox design guidelines.
Additional conditions as of 3/17/2016:
1) The design and specifications for the front and side garage doors is to be approved by staff and the ONK Neighborhood representative.
2) The front of the garage is to be of the same wood siding proposed for the other walls of the garage rather than brick sheathing.
3) The concrete patio is to be tinted a neutral color so as to not be a bright white.
4) The set of french doors opening out onto the patio may have frames of wood or paintable fiberglass material, but not metal.
5) The garage footprint should be reduced by at least 5% in order to be a more appropriate size for the house.