Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVAL of adding front porch and rear room additions and replacing windows and doors as indicated on submitted drawings with the condition that a contemporary architectural or material element be added as approved by staff.

Location Knox County
1100 Church St 37934

Dan Dan Tankersly

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Add a 6' 0" X 13' 6" porch on the Church St. elevation.

Add a 7' 0" X 9' 9" room on the Second Dr. elevation

Add a 12' 0" X 15' 0" room on the south elevation.

Replace existing overhead garage door with new three-panel door with 6-light quarter windows and a 4' X 6' Craftsman-style porch supported by brackets.

Replace sliding-glass doors with a new three-panel arched door.

Repair chimney to include raising height of chimney to three feet above ridgeline.

Relocate window on east elevation, not visible from Second Dr. or Church St.

Install Craftsman-style brackets to support overhanging eaves.

Install new three-panel door with 6-light quarter windows and sidelights to replace double windows on Church St. elevation.

Relocate double windows removed from Church St. elevation to south elevation.

Remove the concrete patio and terrace the grade along Second Dr. to provide drainage.

Repair or replace wood siding and replace shingle roof in-kind.

Craftsman (c.1910)
    One-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Four-over-four double-hung windows. Side-gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering. Exterior side brick chimney. L-shaped foundation with rectangular plan.

Dan Dan Tankersly

Case History