Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 1204034&G.

Location Knoxville
1101 Luttrell St

Jeff Talman

Applicant Request
Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Mechanical system unit; Porch elements; Windows
Install one over one double hung windows to match size of original openings; rebuild wall of front porch, retaining buttresses at front steps and using Preservation Brief No. 2; install composite tapered front porch columns with Doric capitals; install new wood balustrade and railings on front steps; install new entry door with design to be determined later, to match side of original opening; install side porch entry door; remove rear chimney (not functional and in poor repair); repair front chimney; install new roof covering (dimensional shingles); install HVAC unit towards rear on street side. NOTE: Modification to Certificate to replace pre-existing deck on north elevation, brick piers, railing to match porch railing - 9/2/04).

Altered Queen Anne (c.1900)
    Two story frame with aluminum siding wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and front dormer, asphalt shingle roof covering. Six over six double hung replacement windows with two over two double hung window in dormer, artificial siding likely obscuring other windows on all elevations. One story full front and side wrap around porch with fluted replacement columns, sawn wood balustrade, tongue and groove floor and bead board ceiling. Rear offset interior and side interior brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bays on side elevations.

Jeff Talman

Case History