Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with the condition that the windows are sized to conform to one of the sizes on the house, and that some method of architectural delineation is provided between the first and second levels of the addition.

Location Knoxville
517 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

Nick Nick Shaffer

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition
Contruct two-story frame rear addition with smooth-finish fiber cement board sheathing. The roof on the two-story will have only a slightly pitched hip roof and the one-story portion will feature a roof deck. The deck railing is to be constructed off horizontal wood rails. The windows are to be fixed or casement windows, and the entry to the addition is to be a full-light wood-framed door.

Staff Comments
Colonial Revival (1923)
    Frank Clark, Jr. House. Two-story frame with brick veneer. Side-gable roof, concrete French tile covering. Double-hung 6/6 windows. One-story one-bay central front porch with metal balustrade. Fluted engaged one-bay central front porch with Doric columns and entablature with dentil molding at front entry. Two exterior end brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan. (Contributing)

L. Additions
1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an
inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting
the size and scale in relationship to the historic
building, and using appropriate proportions.

2. Design new additions so that it is clear what
is historic and what is new.

3. Consider the attached exterior addition both
in terms of the new use and the appearance
of other buildings in the historic district.
Additions shall be distinguishable from the
historic building, but shall be compatible in
terms of mass, materials, size, texture, and
scale. Additions shall be designed so they can
be removed without destroying the form of
the historic building.

6. Do not cause a loss of historic character
through a new addition.

Nick Nick Shaffer

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History