Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 1204084&G (Level II and Level I portions). The proposed change at the rear, north side elevation will be nearly invisible from the street, and provides a necessary exit from the building.

Location Knoxville
716 Deery St

Heather Parnell

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
1) Convert rear, side elevation window (north side) to door and add stoop. Approximate dimension of porch 5'x6' with wood floor and skirting of lattice. Door to be full view (salvage from YMCA). Hipped roof supported by columns and trim to resemble front porch.

2) - Level I portion - Replace fascia, soffit, corbels and other wooden trim members in kind preparatory to painting. Repair and replace elements of second story porch on front elevation in kind, as necessary.

Italian Villa (1886)
    Two story frame with weatherbord wall covering. Hip roof with lower centered front gable and asphalt shingle roof covering. Scrolled brackets at eaves. Two over two double hung window with one over one double hung windows on rear two story ell. One story two-thirds front porch with truncated wood posts on brick piers, modern spindled balustrade, scrolled brackets under eaves. Three brick chimneys, one interior offset side, one exterior side (vent) and one interior central rear. Stucco foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting one story bay on north elevation.

Heather Parnell

Case History