Minor revisions to one side elevation on a previously-approved rear addition (with rear-access garage). Previous application for a COA (6-G-21-HZ) proposed a brick-clad foundation wall (for garage behind) with four new double-hung windows on the east elevation. The revised proposal includes three brick piers with vertical channel-gap style siding, either painted cedar or Hardie Artisan square channel siding (installed vertically). On the main level's east elevation, which previously had no windows, revised proposal includes three adjoining double-hung windows with trim and casing to match existing.
Revisions are limited to the reconstructed rear addition and the basement-level garage; all other elements from 6-G-21-HZ remain.
Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage, c.1900
One-and-one-half-story residence with a hipped roof with lower gables projecting to front, sides, and rear, clad in asphalt shingles. Exterior is clad in asphalt siding and rests on a brick foundation. Roof features a gable-roof dormer with balustrade, sawn wood bargeboard with spindles on the gable ends, and windows in the gable fields. Partial hipped roof porch supported by square posts, with dentiled wood cornice.
Additions 1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building, and using appropriate proportions. 2. Design new additions so that it is clear what is historic and what is new. 3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the historic district. Additions shall be distinguishable from the historic building, but shall be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, and scale. Additions shall be designed so they can be removed without destroying the form of the historic building. 4. New additions should not be visible from streets. 6. Do not cause a loss of historic character through a new addition.
Windows 5. It can be appropriate to design and install additional windows on the rear or another secondary elevation. The design must be compatible with the overall design of the building