Historic Zoning Commission

Scenic Drive NC-1: Level IV


Two-story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Hip and cross gable roof with front dormer with calmes. Four -over- four and six- over -six double- hung windows, tripled on projecting front gabled section, which has sweeping gable highlighting front entry. Projecting gabled front entry with arched opening. Bay window with four- over- four double- hung windows adjacent to frontentry. Projecting gabled portico on north elevation. Two brick chimneys, one interior front side and one interior end. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (Contributing)

Location Knoxville
515 Scenic Dr

Robert Robert Finley

Applicant Request
Level IV. Demolition or relocation of contributing structure.
Other: Demolition
DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNCHANGED FOR 1/16/2014 HZC MTG.: Demolish contributing structure due to deterioration and collapse of rear portion. Salvage interior and exterior features as feasible or offer to Knox Heritage.

Staff Comments
Tudor Revival (1929)
    Two-story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Hip and cross gable roof with front dormer with calmes. Four -over- four and six- over -six double- hung windows, tripled on projecting front gabled section, which has sweeping gable highlighting front entry. Projecting gabled front entry with arched opening. Bay window with four- over- four double- hung windows adjacent to frontentry. Projecting gabled portico on north elevation. Two brick chimneys, one interior front side and one interior end. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (Contributing)

"The Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission may allow demolition if fire, flooding, winds, or other disaster has substantially damage a building. The decision of the Commission shall be informed by an assessment by a licensed structural engineer of architect."

City of Knoxville; - Robert Moyers Robert Moyers

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History