Historic Zoning Commission

N/A: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 12606GEN. Central sign site to right of driveway entrance in applicant's parcel, isolated at the east side top of Bearden Hill, and not visible from Kingston Pike.

Location Knoxville
140 Major Reynolds Pl 37919

Jim Wallace (Wallace & Wallace Realtors)

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Modify existing sign to resemble centerpiece of brick and wrought iron fence, not visible from Kingston Pike. Wrought iron fence may extend up to eight additional feet on either side of central sign, as modiified by HZC on 12/21/2006.

    Central sign of brick with inset panels identifying the business, flanked by wrought iron fencing (4'4" wide on each side) and brick gateposts to transition height visually.

Jim Wallace (Wallace & Wallace Realtors)

Case History