Historic Zoning Commission

Ft. Sanders NC: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-E-24-HZ as submitted.

Location Knoxville
310 Thirteenth St. 37916

Sheazad Jiwani

Applicant Request
Additions; Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Porch; Windows
Façade reconstruction: removal of ground-level brick veneer, walk-up window, and non-historic storefront doors. Installation of new paired, full-light, aluminum storefront doors on the rightmost bay, with three bays of flat cementitious panel bulkheads with full-light storefront windows abov on the left bays. A series of aluminum-clad wood transom windows will extend the length of the façade. New flat aluminum awning with integrated recessed lighting between the transom windows and the entry.

New second-story porch addition, featuring a metal structure, metal railing, and a painted wood flat pergola. Addition will be located above the existing first-story flat-roof cooler massing and provide access to the second story via a new full-light, aluminum-clad wood door.

Exterior rehabilitation scopes include: the removal of existing T-111 plywood siding, vinyl windows, and fabric awning on the one-story side addition, and the installation of new painted clapboard siding on all elevations. Removal of non-historic vinyl windows and installation of new, two-over-two, aluminum-clad wood windows in existing openings. Repair and patching to existing terracotta parapet cap. New metal gutter and downspouts. Patching, repointing, repair, and painting of masonry (already painted). New roofing membrane.

Staff Comments
Vernacular Commercial, c.1910
    Two-story brick masonry commercial building, featuring decorative brickwork and non-historic windows and storefront systems.

A. Height, Scale, & Massing
5. For the first 35 feet, buildings should have similar setbacks, bays, and covered entrances that complement the historic architecture on the street.

D. Wall Materials
2. Clapboard (or clapboard-like materials such as aluminum or vinyl), shingle (or shingle-like material), or brick should be used.
6. Materials that are not typical in pre-1940 construction should not be used. These include cinder block, "T-111" siding, and stone facing.

E. Windows and Entrances
1. Window proportions and symmetry should be similar to the pre-1940 styles in the neighborhood.
2. Windows should be double-hung, sash windows. Vinyl or metal-clad windows may be used in place of wood frame windows.
9. Entrances to the building should be provided from the street, using doors that have similar proportions and features to pre-1940 architecture.

H. Additions to Existing Buildings
1. Additions should be made to the rear or side of the building.

Zane Espinosa, Sanders Pace Architecture

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History