1. The proposed addition to be replaced is small in size and not visible from the primary street. As the proposed addition will extend to the left side (north) elevation, it will be visible from the primary street. Proposed placement of the addition on the rear is appropriate.
2. The addition is small in size and compatible with the overall house. The low-slope shed-roof is clearly secondary in massing to the main house.
3. Proposed materials, including an asphalt-shingle clad roof and wood lap siding with a 5" exposure, meet the design guidelines. The rear elevation's one-over-one, double-hung window is compatible with the primary house. The placement of a secondary door on the side elevation meets the design guidelines and contributes additional transparency to the elevation, which will be minimally visible from the street
Staff Comments
New rear addition to existing house. Rectangular addition will measure 10' long by 20' wide and extend off the left side of the new rear (north) elevation. The addition will feature a shed roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of wood lap siding to match the existing house, and a CMU foundation. Secondary doors will be located on both side elevations, with a one-over-one, double-hung window on the rear elevation.