1) Construct a 15'-6"x15'-8" frame carport addition on the front of an existing frame garage with a trellis-like structure and a translucent canopy covering. 2) Construct a 5'x12' frame shed addition with clapboard siding and sliding doors on the north side of the garage.
Staff Comments
Colonial Revival (1931)
Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side-gableroof with French tile roof covering. Six-over-six double-hung wood windows. One-story gabled portico at front entry. Interior central brick chimney. Brick foundation.
A. New Development and Additions 9. Accessory buildings should be located at least fifteen feet to the rear of the front facade line.
D. Access and Parking 1. The carports or doors of attached garages should not face Emoriland or Fairmont Boulevards. 3. Detached garages shall be located behind and to the side of the existing house.