Historic Zoning Commission
Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Approval, with a submittal for porch balustrade and step railing design that visually reduces the 36-inch height required by building code.
Location Knoxville
724 Deery St 37197
OwnerDan Dan Butler
Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding
Additions; Porch elements; Skylights or solar collectorsConstruct screened-in porch on the rear of an existing one-story addition. The hipped roof of the screened porch is to be similar that on the front porch and will be asphalt-shingled. The porch floor will be tongue-and-groove. The porch will be supported by brick piers at a height above-grade at
5'-6". The porch roof will be supported by 8x8 wood posts with sawnwork balusters (see approved drawing for design) and brackets (matching brackets on the front porch). The new rear door will be wood-framed full-light door. The risers and steps will be of wood. The door to the porch will either be wood-framed full-light or a salvaged wooden full-light French door without muntins.Treated wood lattice is to infill between brick piers.
On the existing rear addition, replace flat, rubber-membraned roof with an asphalt shingled and gabled roof with pitch to match that of the hipped roof on the main house. Install wood clapboard siding on exisiting rear addition to match that on main house to replace existing board and batten. No new windows are proposed to be added; however, two skylights are proposed in the new roof of the existing rear addition. Information on these skylights needs to be submitted to staff for approval.
Staff Comments
Queen Anne (c. 1890)One-and-a-half-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, oversize diamond pattern asphalt shingles, sawn wood attic vent. One-over-one double-hung windows paired at front on first story and tripled on second story. One-story full front porch with hipped roof, sawn wood square oversize columns with applied detail to suggest piers, sawn wood brackets. Interior offset brick chimney with chimney posts. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Late one-story shed roof rear ell with board and batten. (Contributing)
1. Locate attached exterior additions at the rear of a historic building, limiting the size in relationship to the historic building. Proportion is very important.
2. Design new additions in a manner that makes clear what is historic and what is new. New work should not appear to be as old as the historic building. Do not duplicate the exact form, material, style, and detailing of the historic building in the new addition.
8. New additions should not cause a lessening or loss of historic character, including the historic building's design, materials, workmanship, or location.
3. Service (rear or side) entrances should not be altered to make them appear to be formal entrances.
4. Secondary entrances should be compatible with the originals in size, scale or materials but should not give the appearance of a primary entrance.
7. . . .Replacement doors should mimic doors typical for that architectural style, including materials, glazing, and pane configuration. Solid six panel or flush wood or steel design doors should only be used for entrances not visible from the public street. "Decorator" designed doors available from wholesale hardware stores are usually not appropriate for the architectural styles of the Fourth & Gill Historic District.
1. The shape and pitch of roofs on new construction should imitate the shape and pitch of roofs on neighboring existing houses or other houses of the same architectural style. Replacement roofs should copy the shape and pitch of original roofs, and the soffit, fascia and trim detail between roof and wall should mimic the original.
2. The eaves on additions or new buildings should have an overhang that mimics the original eave, or where this is not feasible, mimics the existing buildings near the property. A minimum eave overhang of at least eight inches should be used on new construction. Fascia boards should be included on the gables.
4. Materials used in roofing existing buildings or new construction should duplicate the original roofing materials if possible.
5. Do not use solar collectors, modern skylights, or inappropriate structures on roof planes that are visible from the street. If they are installed, they should not comprise more than 3% of the total roof surface.
4. In new construction, the proportion of the porches to the front facades should be consistent with the historic porches in the neighborhood. Details such as columns, posts, piers, balustrades and porch flooring must use materials that present a visually and physically appropriate appearance historically.
6. Screening porches may be acceptable if screening is translucent and the open appearance of the porch is maintained.