Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 112508ONK. Applicant has agreed to rebuild the chimney in its original form, restoring the integrity of masonry elements of the house. The roof and gutter replacement and installation are consistent with design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1324 Grainger Ave 37917

Kevin Nelson

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Reroof, using asphalt shingles. Install gutters and downspouts. Rebuild chimney, with top corbelling, mistakenly removed from roof.

Queen Anne Cottage with Bungalow influence (c.1898)
    One and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and asphalt shingle roof covering, sawtooth trim and drop pendants. One over one double hung windows. One story two bay offset front porch with two round wood engaged pilaster with Corinthian capitals and two round replacement wood posts on brick piers. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Stuccoed brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bay on front façade and east and west elevations. Recessed transom over entry. Cutaway bay on front façade has sunburst motif in sawn wood trim and diamond pattern, leaded upper sash.

Kevin Nelson

Case History