Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-C-21-IH as submitted.

2621 Barton St. 37917

George George Daws

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
1. The proposed addition is located on the rear and rear left side of the house; the placement meets design guidelines. While the proposed addition is large in massing, it's recessed from the primary façade and only a three-bay, side-gable roof massing will present from the primary street, reducing the overall visibility of the addition.

2. The existing house is two stories, featuring a hipped roof with a full-length, front-gable roof porch, an exterior of vinyl siding, and an asphalt shingle roof. The proposed addition is 1.5-stories tall and will be differentiated from the primary house by height and placement.

3. The addition incorporates materials to match the existing house; while Infill Housing reviews regularly discourage the use of Dutch lap vinyl siding, the proposed siding matches the primary house. The roof materials, 8/12 roof pitch, and one-over-one windows are compatible with the primary house. Window placement on the façade and left side elevation meet the design guidelines.

4. Removing the gravel driveway and replacing with a new concrete driveway meets the design guidelines for streets without alleys; parking will be recessed behind the house's façade and limited to one lane

Staff Comments
New side and rear addition to existing house. Irregularly-shaped, 1.5-story addition measures 1582 sq. ft. and features a cross gable-roof with gables extending to the side (south) and rear (west). Addition features an 8/12 pitch roof clad in asphalt shingles, vinyl lap siding to match existing, and one-over-one windows.

From the façade (east), the addition will present as a side-gable roof massing extending from the rear of the house, with three evenly-spaced one-over-one windows. On the left side, the 1.5-story addition features two upper-level windows in the gable field and two garage doors, located to the right of the building. The rear elevation features a lower, 1.5-story cross-gable projecting to the rear, featuring two secondary entries and a set of three adjoining one-over-one windows.

The project also includes the installation of a new concrete driveway extending off Barton Street, to the left of the new house and the removal of the existing gravel driveway.

Meghann Meghann Gregory

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History