Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of 12-C-20-IH as submitted, with the following conditions: 1) parking to meet City Engineering standards; 2) use horizontal lap siding instead of Dutch lap to better reflect historic siding patterns; 3) incorporate one native or naturalized shade tree in front and rear yards to meet design guidelines.
Location 1122 Texas Ave. 37921
OwnerJD JD Jackson SEEED Inc. SEEED Inc.
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The new house is proposed to be set 25' from the front property line, with an 8' front porch set 17' from the front property line. The adjacent property is not a strong reference for the block's historic layout, as it is set substantially back from the street and turned at an angle. The proposed 25' front setback will be consistent with historic and appropriate infill properties across the street, and will set a good pattern for the remaining undeveloped lots on the property. Placement of the house will create a consistent front yard space with the surrounding context. The house incorporates a walkway from the street to the front door, perpendicular to the street.
2. While the block to receive new construction does not retain significant historic integrity from which to draw context, the block across the street demonstrates relatively consistent historic houses and setbacks. The proposed new house is proportional to the lot, demonstrates consistent side yard setbacks, and is compatible with the placement of historic houses on surrounding blocks.
3. The application includes a parking pad accessible from the alley to the rear of the property. Parking should meet City Engineering standards and be screened with landscaping. Per City Engineering, the final site plan should show a 10' wide minimum driveway connection to the alley, provide parking for at least two vehicles, with a combined driveway/parking pad measuring at least 18' by 18'. The parking area can be gravel, if contained by landscape timbers or similar, or paved concrete.
4. The 30' wide front façade is proportional to the house's surrounding context. The modest one-story residence with a projecting front-gable porch demonstrates a comparable massing to the surrounding context. The 2' tall foundation is appropriately sized to be compatible with nearby historic houses.
5. The proposed design incorporates an 8' deep, 20' wide, front-gable roof porch which meets the design guidelines. The simple 8" by 8" columns and square wood pickets are proportional for the house.
6. Overall, the window and door placement and design meet the design guidelines. The house contains sufficient windows on each elevation to reflect historic ratio of solids to voids, and the façade is comparable to historic façade patterns.
7. While the 6/12 roof pitch is shallow compared to high-style historic designs, the proposed pitch is not out of context with the surrounding blocks. The house should incorporate eave overhangs and a dark shade of dimensional shingles.
8. Vinyl lap siding and a stuccoed foundation meet the design guidelines for materials. The design should incorporate clapboard-style siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panels to better reflect historic siding patterns.
9. The final site plan should show a native or naturalized shade tree to be planted in front and rear yards to meet design guidelines for landscaping.
Staff Comments
The proposed new house measures 30' wide by 38' long and is centered on the lot, with side setbacks of 10' each and a proposed front setback of 25' from the house's main massing to the front property line. The house features an 8' deep by 20' wide front porch which projects from the right side of the façade, accessible by a concrete walkway which extends to the street.
Access is provided by an 18' wide concrete parking pad which is accessible from the rear alley.
The house features a front-gable roof with a 6/12 pitch, clad in dimensional shingles; an exterior of vinyl lap siding; and a stuccoed foundation. The 6/12 front-gable porch roof features a gable field clad in vinyl shingles, and 8" by 8" square wood column supports. Windows are all one-over-one, double-hung.
The façade (west) features a centrally-located, Craftsman- style door flanked by two one-over-one, double-hung windows. The left (north) elevation features two one-over-one, double-hung windows. On the rear (east) elevation, a 4' by 5' wood deck leads to a secondary access door. Another secondary entry is located on the right (south) elevation, accessible by another 4' by 5' wood deck.
REVISED drawings to meet conditions of approval per 12/2020 DRB meeting include porch located on right side of façade instead of left side, to accommodate the required ramp and modifications to parking.