Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed.

Location Knoxville
610 Caswell Ave. 37917

Nina Nina Reineri

Applicant Request
Replacement of existing non-historic door with a new door. Proposed door is a solid wood, six-panel door, where the three top panels will be removed and replaced with rectangular, stained-glass panels.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage, c.1910
    One-story frame residence with a hipped roof with lower cross gables, clad in asphalt shingles. Exterior is clad in vinyl siding and hosue rests on a continuous raised brick foundation. One-story, shed-roof porch extends the right half of the façade, supported by turned wood columns. Windows are one-over-one, double-hung sash. Interior offset brick chimney.

The doors originally used on Fourth and Gill houses were wooden, often with beveled glass or stained glass inserts.

1. Entry features that should be preserved include sidelights and transoms of plain, patterned, beveled or stained glass, fan light windows, entablatures, and the original doors.

7. Missing doors should be replaced with new doors appropriate for the style and period of the building. In replacing missing original doors, replacement doors should mimic doors typical for that architectural style, including materials, glazing, and pane configuration. Solid six-panel or flush wood or steel design doors should only be used for entrances not visible from the public street. "Decorator" designed doors available from wholesale hardware stores are usually not appropriate for the architectural styles of the Fourth & Gill Historic District.

Case History