Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


This proposal is a new signage package for Church Street United Methodist Church. It includes 3 monument signs and 8 incidental (directional) signs. See the signage site plan for the locations of each sign.

Monument signs:
1. All monument signs will have a crab orchard stone veneer with limestone caps.
2. Corner of Henley St. and Main St., a low curbed sign base will be added around the existing sign. The new sign will be 10 sqft, which will be in addition to the existing 13 sqft sign (23 sqft total).
3. Corner of Henley St. and W. Hill Ave., the existing monument sign will be removed and a new monument sign constructed. The sign will be 20.5 sqft and will have a maximum height, including the sign base, of 4'-9".
4. Corner of Main St. and Poplar St., new monument signs will be installed that is 20.5 sqft and will have a maximum height, including the sign base, of 4'-9".

Incidental signs:
1. Incidental sign type 1 is located on the east side of the Main St. driveway and the north side of the Poplar St. driveway. The existing sign at the Main St. driveway (referenced on the plan as the Magnolia lot) will be removed and the new sign located in the same general location. The signs will have a crab orchard stone base with limestone caps. The signs will have total height of 4'-0" (including the base) and will have 14.78 sqft of sign area.
2. Incidental sign type 2 is located at the corner of W. Hill Ave. and Poplar St., and on the interior of the site at the south end of the Cumberland Ave. driveway. The signs will be 4'-8" tall, square metal posts painted to match sign, and 12 sqft of sign area.
3. Incidental sign type 3 will all be interior to the site with the exception of one along the W. Hill Ave. sidewalk at the pedestrian walkway across from S. Broadway St. The sign will be 4' tall, square metal posts painted to match sign, and 3.67 sqft of sign area.

913 Henley St

Applicant Request
This proposal is a new signage package for Church Street United Methodist Church. It includes 3 monument signs and 8 incidental (directional) signs. See the signage site plan for the locations of each sign.

Monument signs:
1. All monument signs will have a crab orchard stone veneer with limestone caps.
2. Corner of Henley St. and Main St., a low curbed sign base will be added around the existing sign. The new sign will be 10 sqft, which will be in addition to the existing 13 sqft sign (23 sqft total).
3. Corner of Henley St. and W. Hill Ave., the existing monument sign will be removed and a new monument sign constructed. The sign will be 20.5 sqft and will have a maximum height, including the sign base, of 4'-9".
4. Corner of Main St. and Poplar St., new monument signs will be installed that is 20.5 sqft and will have a maximum height, including the sign base, of 4'-9".

Incidental signs:
1. Incidental sign type 1 is located on the east side of the Main St. driveway and the north side of the Poplar St. driveway. The existing sign at the Main St. driveway (referenced on the plan as the Magnolia lot) will be removed and the new sign located in the same general location. The signs will have a crab orchard stone base with limestone caps. The signs will have total height of 4'-0" (including the base) and will have 14.78 sqft of sign area.
2. Incidental sign type 2 is located at the corner of W. Hill Ave. and Poplar St., and on the interior of the site at the south end of the Cumberland Ave. driveway. The signs will be 4'-8" tall, square metal posts painted to match sign, and 12 sqft of sign area.
3. Incidental sign type 3 will all be interior to the site with the exception of one along the W. Hill Ave. sidewalk at the pedestrian walkway across from S. Broadway St. The sign will be 4' tall, square metal posts painted to match sign, and 3.67 sqft of sign area.

Staff Comments
Church Street United Methodist Church is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places, so the historic resources section of the guidelines do apply. The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) did approve a variance to increase the maximum number of detached ground (monument) signs from 2 to 3. A member of the BZA also stated he preferred one of the monument signs be reduced in size. The signs submitted to BZA are the same size as those submitted to the Downtown Design Review Board.

Applicable guidelines:
Signs within downtown Knoxville are regulated by Article 5 Section 10 of the Zoning Ordinance for Knoxville, Tennessee available at MPC. These guidelines for the boulevard district recognize that certain types of signs are more appropriate to specific areas and should be encouraged within these areas.
3a. Wall signs, mounted flush to the building facade or on the building's sign board
3b. Monument signs

Church Street United Methodist Church

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History