Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with the condition that a finish/trim detail for the floor of the front porch and steps be submitted to staff for approval, as well as a specification for the storage room door that opens out onto the rear deck.

Location Knoxville
817 Deery St 37917

Raymond Raymond Morrow

Applicant Request
Level II. Revise plans (5-10-17) for construction of primary building
Other: Revised construction plans 4-11-17
Revise one-and-a-half-story, 30-foot-high Craftsman house to a one-story, ~25- foot-high Craftsman house
Eliminate 2nd-level gable on each end and revise to hipped roof. Revise roof of front dormer from a gable to shed roof
Revise foundation from crawl space to slab construction, retaining approved height of foundation
Increase width of gabled projection by ~3 feet on southeast side and reduce length of porte cochere by ~3 feet
Replace double-hung window facing porch on northwest side by half to create square 3/1 window
Add two square 3/1windows to the rear storage room wall and one on the northwest elevation
Eliminate one double-hung window on northwest elevation toward the front
Add new full-sized 3/1 double-hung window on southeast elevation
Re-locate rear storage room entry to northwest side and add new four-foot-wide opening onto rear deck as specified
Revise front porch flooring material from wood tongue-and-groove to flagstone with brick fascia and surround
Revise front step material to flagstone treads with brick base and surround

Staff Comments
Proposed Craftsman style ( 2017)
    Construct one-story Craftsman on vacant lot.

Scale and Massing
1. Relate the size and proportions of new structures to the scale of adjacent buildings.
2. Break up uninteresting boxlike forms into smaller, varied masses like those found on existing buildings by the use of bays, extended front porches, and roof shapes.
3. New buildings should be designed with a mix of wall areas with door and window elements in the facade like those found on existing buildings.
5. Relate the roof forms of the new buildings to those found in the area. Duplication of the existing or traditional roof shapes, pitches, and materials on new construction is one way of making new structures more compatible.

Height of Foundations and Stories
1. As a general rule, construct new buildings to equal the average height of existing buildings on the street.
2. Raised foundations, or the appearance of raised foundations, must be designed for any new housing constructed in Fourth and Gill. The height of the foundation should replicate those of adjoining buildings.
3. If building new structures, the eave lines should conform to those of adjacent properties.

1. The materials with which the buildings are constructed contribute one of the most important visual factors in the neighborhood. The historic buildings use materials that were common when they were built.

1. Always design front facades with a strong sense of entry. Strongly emphasized side entries, or entries not defined by a porch or similar transitional element, result in an incompatible flat first-floor facade.

Raymond Raymond Morrow

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History