Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


On the east elevation of the Phoenix Building at the Promenade, install two new storefront doors to the area currently boarded up with plywood, add a wood trim panel above these doors in keeping with the design on the front of the building, install light fixtures above the two new doorways and the existing storefront doors (see attached example fixture), add brick infill above one of the existing storefront doors, and paint the existing CMU infill on the right side of the elevation.

418 S Gay St

Rear side of building at the Promenade.

Applicant Request
On the east elevation of the Phoenix Building at the Promenade, install two new storefront doors to the area currently boarded up with plywood, add a wood trim panel above these doors in keeping with the design on the front of the building, install light fixtures above the two new doorways and the existing storefront doors (see attached example fixture), add brick infill above one of the existing storefront doors, and paint the existing CMU infill on the right side of the elevation.

Staff Comments
Staff approved a Certificate of Appropriate in October to allow the demolition of the two display window areas on either side of the existing center entrance to epxose the original brick façade.

Applicable guidlelines.

Entrances and ground floor windows should foster pedestrian comfort, safety and orientation. Not every building in downtown needs to have the same window or entry designs; however, repeating the pattern of historic openings helps to reinforce the character of downtown, differentiating it from suburban areas.

5a. Use consistent rhythm of openings, windows, doorways, and entries.
5c. Design entrances according to the proportions of the building's height and width.
5e. All windows at the pedestrian level should be clear.
5f. Recess ground floor window frames and doors from the exterior building face to provide depth to the facade.

Case History