APROVAL to construct an attached wooden shelter for sheep on the rear ell of the house as per submitted drawings.
Location Knox County
1009 Olive Rd 37934
Carol and George C. Carol and George C. Montgomery
Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Construct a small frame shelter for sheep to the left of the back door on the south-facing side of the rear ell of the house. The south end will be wood sided to match the house. The roof will be v-grooved metal and of a red color to match that of the main house.
Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side-gable roof with projecting front mansard roofed gable, standing seam metal roof. One-story full front porch with paired splayed wood posts on brick piers, sawn wood balustrade. Inset second -story centered balcony with tripled wood posts on brick piers. Palladian-style attic vent. One-over-one double-hung windows, paired on second story. Brick foundation. Interior offset brick chimney. Irregular plan. (Contributing)
Carol and George C. Carol and George C. Montgomery