Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Repair and/or replace architectural elements as shown and described in the attached plans and summarized below:

1. Repoint/relay upper portion of brick chimney on east elevation, rear of building.
2. Repoint soldier course above 16th floor windows.
3. Replace appoximately 70 damaged balasters at 3rd floor and 14th floor.
4. Replace an estimated 20 lintels above windows, which requires the removal and replacement of brick above the windows as shown in sheet S3.0.
5. Scrape and point sheet metal coping and replace loose or damaged "dentil" elements.
6. Remove horizontal mortar joints to expose and clean steel shelf angles, as shown in the plans. Removal of one course of brick above and below the steel shelf angles may be necessary to allow for closer inspection of delamination of the steel exists.
7. Replace spalled face of brick, approximately 16 square feet, on the north elevation (see sheet S2.0).

912 S Gay St

Applicant Request
Repair and/or replace architectural elements as shown and described in the attached plans and summarized below:

1. Repoint/relay upper portion of brick chimney on east elevation, rear of building.
2. Repoint soldier course above 16th floor windows.
3. Replace appoximately 70 damaged balasters at 3rd floor and 14th floor.
4. Replace an estimated 20 lintels above windows, which requires the removal and replacement of brick above the windows as shown in sheet S3.0.
5. Scrape and point sheet metal coping and replace loose or damaged "dentil" elements.
6. Remove horizontal mortar joints to expose and clean steel shelf angles, as shown in the plans. Removal of one course of brick above and below the steel shelf angles may be necessary to allow for closer inspection of delamination of the steel exists.
7. Replace spalled face of brick, approximately 16 square feet, on the north elevation (see sheet S2.0).

Staff Comments
The Andrew Johnson Building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places so the Historic Resources section of the Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines apply and the proposed work should comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.

Section 1.C.5a of the guidelines states, "Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original" and the Standards for Rehabilitation states, "Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and where possible, materials". The scope of work as described does not specifically state that the mortar or architecture elements will be replaced in-kind so this has been added as a condition of the recommdendation to the Mayor and City Council.

Public Building Authority

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History