Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City NC-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 112103EDG. Although artificial siding is not recommended in the adopted design guidelines, it existed at the time of designation. This certificate consists of a request for repair of a very small portion of the exterior sidi

Location Knoxville
2335 Jefferson Ave

Obediah & Rosa Farmer

Applicant Request
House is currently covered with vinyl siding and small portion of side elevation (approximately 3 boards) melted in recent house fire. Interior work will be required, but only replacing those pieces of vinyl siding will be required on the exterior.

Craftsman (c.1915)
    One story frame with artificial wall covering. Front gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, knee braces and rafters, and asphalt roll shingles on porch gable. One story three-quarter front porch with square wood posts on splayed brick piers. Projecting side and front bays. One over one double hung windows. Exterior end brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Sidelights at front entry.

Ballou Stematic/Jeff Parrott

Case History