Design Review Board
Level 3: Construction of new building/structure
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-B-24-DT, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan and parking garage to meet City Engineering standards; 2) final elevation drawings to meet relevant standards of City Zoning code, including Article 5.4; 3) signage to return to the DRB as a separate application.
Location 207 E. Jackson Ave.
OwnerNick Patel Turkey Creek Hospitality
Applicant Request
SUMMARY: Proposed new, seven-story, mixed-use building (six stories of residential apartments above one story of commercial/retail use) and proposed seven-story board-formed concrete structured parking garage. The mixed-use building fronts E. Jackson Ave, measuring 206'-4" wide by approximately 38' deep, with side entries fronting Morgan Street. The parking garage is located to the rear (north) of the parcel, measuring 206'-4" wide by 122' deep.
SITE LAYOUT AND ACCESS: On Jackson Avenue, the garage is accessed via a two-lane parking garage entry in the second bay of the façade, and a two-lane garage entry on the Morgan Street elevation on the rightmost bay (towards the north). There are two pedestrian entries to the ground-level retail space on the Jackson Avenue elevation, a second retail access on the Morgan Street elevation, a resident lobby entrance on the Morgan Street elevation, and a secondary access to the parking garage on the rear elevation.
DESIGN ELEMENTS: the mixed-use massing fronting E. Jackson Avenue is clad in brown brick veneer on the first two stories (with one section towards the Morgan Street side extending to four stories), with black and white fiber cement siding on the upper stories. The ground level features multiple bays of full-light storefront windows with full-light storefront entry systems to both retail spaces.
On the Morgan Street elevation, the mixed-use building's design elements wrap around for three bays followed by a concrete massing serving as the parking garage stairwell. On the ground level, there are three bays of full-light storefront entries followed by a storefront system for the resident lobby, and the second parking garage entry. The garage is screened by perforated aluminum screening on the upper levels; the screening extends to all of the parking garage elevations.
The west elevation features the perforated metal screening and exposed formed stairwell massing, followed by the brick veneer and metal paneling of the mixed-use building towards the street.
Mechanical, electrical, and waste functions are located on the southwest corner of the building.
Staff Comments
1. SITE: the building is proposed for two rectangular parcels which have served as surface parking lots or storage since at least the 1950s. The properties are zoned DK-W (Warehouse district, "characterized by a mix of retail and warehouse/industrial uses in historically significant structures," with "standards intended to reinforce the existing built character of the subdistrict"). The block is characterized by 2- to 3-story brick masonry buildings which belong to the Southern Terminal and Warehouse Historic District. Two masonry buildings have been demolished in the last five years, creating gaps in the block, but the subject parcel has been vacant for decades. The parcels are outside of, but close to, the National Register Historic District.
2. PARKING: the application includes a seven-story structured parking garage, with access off Jackson Avenue and Morgan Street. Guidelines recommend "consolidating curb-cuts and locating driveways near mid-block, when necessary," and prioritizing pedestrian safety. The project will replace the existing curb cut to the surface parking lot on Jackson Avenue, with an additional along Morgan Street. Additional information may be required by City Engineering related to any potential sight distance issues for cars exiting the garage and pedestrian safety measures on the sidewalk crossings.
Guidelines recommend locating parking garages under structures, or providing for retail, residential, or office uses that line the garage, and avoiding parking garages that contain blank walls. The Morgan Street elevation has been revised since the DRB workshop and initial submission to incorporate additional storefront space and the apartment lobby on the ground floor, along with screening on all elevations. The use of perforated screening on all four elevations assists in reducing the overall impact of the parking garage.
3. MASSING AND SCALE: guidelines recommend maintaining a pedestrian-scaled environment from block to block, along with dividing buildings into "modules" similar in scale to traditional downtown buildings with a recognizable base, middle, and top. The massing fronting Jackson Avenue is taller than the 1- and 2-story buildings to the west, but could act as a transition to the taller buildings associated with the stadium development on the other side of James White Parkway. The top, middle, and bottom is achieved via a series of storefront entries at ground level, a brick-clad middle, and the upper stories clad in metal siding with a parapet.
4. PEDESTRIAN EXPERIENCE: guidelines encourage incorporating first-floor uses that are open to pedestrians and draw walk-in traffic. The project includes public spaces along E. Jackson Avenue, along with storefront systems and a lobby entry for the apartments along Morgan Street. Guidelines also recommend using building materials and entries at a human scale to create an engaging experience, avoiding blank walls along street-facing elevations, and using a "consistent rhythm of entrances and windows."
The primary elevation on Jackson Avenue avoids blank walls via a series of storefront windows and entry systems. The leftmost bay appears to be enclosed with siding to screen the interior waste area. The enclosed section does not detract from the overall rhythm, but the Board may choose to discuss the non-transparent section.
On Morgan Street, the elevation addresses the street via multiple bays of storefront windows and an addition section of storefront system windows adjacent to the resident lobby. The ground-level programming on Morgan Street has been increased since the workshop, though the stairwell bay does feature a large blank wall massing.
5. MATERIALS: guidelines recommend the use of building materials that "relate to the scale, durability, color, and texture of the predominate building materials in the area." The surrounding area is characterized largely by brick masonry structures. The area proposed to feature brick masonry has been reduced since the initial proposal. The use of brick cladding does align the building with the context, using a lighter-colored fiber cement panel for the two uppermost stories, though the Jackson Avenue elevation includes more fiber cement panels than brick veneer. The use of white fiber cement panels reduces the visual effect of the additional height.
The proposed parking garage screening will complement the proposed building and the surrounding context. Due to the building's height, the railroad to the rear, and the adjoining vacant lot, the north and west elevations will be visible from the right-of-way. The application has incorporated screening on all elevations of the parking garage to reduce the garage's visual effect.
6. MECHANICAL: the floor plans indicate mechanical and service utilities are located interior to the building, at the southwest corner along Jackson Avenue. The guidelines discourage locating units on primary facades, and recommend reducing visual impacts of trash storage and service areas by placing them at the rear of a building or off an alley, when possible. The service location will create one bay of siding with no transparency on the ground floor. Due to the currently proposed siding enclosure, the service utilities would not be visible.
7. SIGNS: the signs depicted on the elevation drawings do not contain sufficient information for Board review at this time; a separate signage application should be submitted to the DRB for further review.
8. Drawings note that "all graphics are preliminary and the design is subject to change." Major modifications would require further design review by the DRB.